¿Quién es Rahul Mangharam?
Rahul Mangharam
Ph. D
Rahul Mangharam es profesor asociado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Sistemas y Departamento de Computación e Informática en University of Pennsylvania. Sus intereses están en los sistemas ciber-físicos en la intersección de los métodos formales, el aprendizaje automático y los controles. Rahul recibió el Premio “2016 Presidential Early Career Award” de EE. UU. (PECASE) del presidente Obama por su trabajo en Cyber-Physical Systems. También recibió el Premio “CleanTech” (Regional) del Departamento de Energía de 2016, el “2014 “IEEE Benjamin Franklin Key Award”, el “2013 NSF CAREER Award”, y el “2012 “intel Early Faculty Career Award”.
Rahul Mangharam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering and Department of Computer & Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His interests are in cyber-physical systems at the intersection of formal methods, machine learning and controls. Rahul received the “2016 US Presidential Early Career Award” (PECASE) from President Obama for his work on Cyber-Physical Systems. He also received the 2016 Department of Energy’s “CleanTech Prize” (Regional), “2014 IEEE Benjamin Franklin Key Award”, “2013 NSF CAREER Award”, and “2012 Intel Early Faculty Career Award”.